10 Facts About The singer Taylor Swift, That No One Expects
10 Curiosities About The singer Taylor Swift
2. She started composing and playing guitar at 12 years. Two years later, at 14, he moved to Nashville, Tennessee, United States, to try musical career based in the country. Today, she also knows how to play banjo, ukelele and piano.
3. The first job of Taylor Swift was his father's assistant, who repaired christmas trees on the family farm.
4. The first kiss of Taylor Swift was only at age 15 - or maybe that's the average age and today's pre-teens is that they are too safadinhos.
5. Taylor Swift is a big fan of cooking and has even wondered release a book about cooking.
6. Taylor Swift's lucky number is 13. In her apartment in the city of Nashville, the fireplace is the number XIII (13 in Roman numerals) recorded.
7. A trademark of Taylor Swift music is the style of narrative lyrics, that usually tell their life stories. She herself is the author most of the songs and has been honored by composers institutions such as Nashville Songwriters Association and the Songwriters Hall of Fame.
8. Despite the gossip, Taylor Swift ensures that never had any fight with Selena Gomez. The rumor was because of Selena's involvement with the singer Justin Bieber supposedly frowned upon by Taylor.
9. Taylor Swift's body is all in day. No apparent pneuzinho. Still, she is averse to sexy photos. "I like a more classic look," he says.
10. Taylor Swift does not have many problems with paparazzi, but reveals two rules for this: check if your skirt is ok and make sure that there is no photographer making clicks during your meals.
10 Facts About The singer Taylor Swift, That No One Expects
Reviewed by Cat Chords
12:16:00 PM