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10 Facts And Trivia About Diet And Weight Loss, You Should Not Know Almost No

The difficulty of losing weight for some people is very great, if you are a person who wants to lose weight, see these curiosities and data on the diets.

10 Facts And Trivia About Diet And Weight Loss

01. A diet designed individually to create a negative balance 500-1000 kcal per day should be an integral part of any weight loss program that aims a decrease from 0.5 to 1.0 kg per week.
10 Facts And Trivia About Diet And Weight Loss

02. Low calorie diets with 1000 to 1200 kcal per day, reduce average 8% of body weight in three to six months, with a decrease abdominal fat. Long-term studies show an average loss of 4% within three to five years.

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03. very low calorie diets, with 400 to 800 kcal per day, produces weight loss greater in the short term, compared with low calorie diets (1000-1200 kcal per day). However, in the long term, the period of a year, the weight loss is similar.

04. Diets low in fats, without reducing the total number of calories do not lead to weight loss. However, reducing the amount of fat in a low-calorie diet is a convenient way to reduce caloric intake and induce weight loss. Fats are macro nutrients that offer the largest number of calories every gram.

05. Diets containing 1400-1500 kcal per day, regardless of the composition of macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats and proteins) also lead to weight loss.

06. A frequent contact between the doctor and the patient and time expenditure with the patient help much loss and maintenance of weight lost.

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07. A review of more than 700 studies performed from 1972 to 1999, on the effect of different diets on weight loss has shown that diet programs lasting 15 weeks caused an average loss of 11 kg, and maintenance of 6,6 ± 0,5 kg of the weight lost after one year.

08. These and numerous other subsequent studies show that obese patients lose weight when kept on a restricted diet, but that their weight loss tends not to remain in the long term.

09. A high percentage of patients recover the lost weight: 50% of patients recovering pre-treatment weight at 12 months, and the vast majority retrieves the weight in five years, only 11% maintain a loss of 5 kg or more.

10. Some weight loss diets are nutritionally correct and consistent with good eating habits. Other are presented as miracle diets that encourage irrational practices, some dangerous times, and are now made by the population due to the promotion of the media, or because the celebrities are doing or because they are considered new. There is no scientific evidence of long-term about the effectiveness of any of these diets, if there is a negative energy balance (intake of calories less than the daily caloric expenditure).

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10 Facts And Trivia About Diet And Weight Loss, You Should Not Know Almost No 10 Facts And Trivia About Diet And Weight Loss, You Should Not Know Almost No Reviewed by Cat Chords on 3:42:00 PM Rating: 5

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