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9 Shocking Facts About Our Subconscious

Our subconscious can occupy 80% of the mind and it performs all orders sent to him through our thoughts. While there is a debate between science and religion on the subject, what actually happens is that with technological answers today to highly controversial issues of our existence can not yet be determined, there are facts of the two sides agree.

So friends, now check out our story on 9 shocking facts about our subconscious:

1 - Your subconscious speaks to you in dreams

Have you ever stopped to think about because we have some dreams so bizarre and what they mean? In fact dreams are a creation of your subconscious. Although there are several theories about what exactly is the purpose of dreams, it still remains a mystery.

2 - Your subconscious controls 95 percent of your life

It may seem an exaggeration, but it is not! Your subconscious can control every physical movement, whether voluntary or involuntary. But just not worth putting the blame of their actions on their subconscious.

3 - Your subconscious is based on their habits

Your subconscious is built based on their habits. The subconscious is a great recognition of standards, including their own behavior.

4 - The subconscious translates everything literally

The Subconscious take anything literally. That's why when you are afraid of something even though it is not real, like a horror movie for example, and that's why we need our reasoning.

5 - The subconscious is based on this

You may even be able to dream of the future or the past, but your subconscious helps you do this constantly, only focused on the present. Also check out our article on how to learn to control your dreams be a oneironautics.

6 - subconscious acts as a microprocessor

Basically, our subconscious is much more powerful than our regular mind, since it is capable of processing extreme amounts of information from all our senses, and then translates them back to the brain.

7 - The subconscious can not use words

The subconscious has no form of verbal translator, and so saying, our subconscious has no power to use words, just involuntary physical movements and volunteers.

8 - The subconscious is primitive

It is focused on emotions, rather than the reasons, the subconscious is often considered as the source of their primitive instincts.

9 - The subconscious is multifunctional

You may not be able to do several things at once, but your subconscious does all the items mentioned above.
And then friends, knew all these facts about our subconscious? Review!
9 Shocking Facts About Our Subconscious 9 Shocking Facts About Our Subconscious Reviewed by Cat Chords on 5:44:00 AM Rating: 5

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